Agricultural Tech and Processes

Revolutionizing Agriculture

Introducing Innovative Land Treatment Technology for Resolving Common Issues Arising from Salinity and Elevated pH Levels!

Cutting-Edge Technology and Processes

Transforming Sodic Soil Remediation: Creating a Positive Impact

The world faces a critical challenge as it loses 2,000 hectares of precious farmland daily to the detrimental effects of salt-induced degradation. This alarming trend highlights the urgent need for soil reclamation to ensure global food production. The cost of reclaiming this land varies from $2,000 to $90,000 per acre, depending on soil type and salt concentration. Current restoration methods often take a year or more to implement. However, innovative approaches are emerging to address this crisis, offering cost-effective and swift solutions to transform salt-affected soil and secure our agricultural landscapes for a sustainable future.

Universal Agriculture and Bugarri Services Group presents an economically efficient alternative, offering a solution that costs a fraction of what farmers would typically invest in other methods. Remarkably, our innovative approach can effectively leach salt from the soil in as little as one week.

We've Conquered the Top Crop Yield Challenges: Soil Salinity and pH Remediation

At Universal Agriculture, we have partnered with leading universities and research laboratories across the United States to conduct in-depth studies. Our findings reveal that two major impediments preventing optimal nutrient absorption by plants are soil salinity and elevated pH levels. We are proud to introduce our groundbreaking solutions to address these critical issues. Our 'Salt Fighter' effectively mitigates salt accumulation in irrigated soil, while our 'Master Humic Potassium' treatment offers a transformative approach to rectify high pH levels, particularly prevalent in Southern States where readings often exceed pH 8.

Yuma Az 2020

Salt Fighter

Salt Fighter offers an affordable and highly efficient solution. This innovative technology operates by displacing sodium and chlorine ions from the soil and securely binding them, preventing their reattachment to the soil. As a result, these toxic ions are effectively leached from the soil, cleansing it from harmful sodium and chlorine contaminants.


Effective Salt Leaching

Our solution harnesses the power of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, skillfully binding and leaching salt from the soil. This ensures the soil is rejuvenated and free from harmful salt accumulation.

Soil Erosion Prevention

Enriched with complex carbohydrates, our product also serves as a natural guardian against soil erosion, promoting long-term soil stability.

Enhanced Plant Nutrition

Calcium, an essential element for plant growth, not only improves water penetration but also displaces harmful sodium ions (Na+) from the soil. This dual-action feature contributes to improved soil health and better plant nutrition."

Chemical Composition

11% Calcium

Abundant and Impressive - Calcium is a vital element crucial for plant health and soil improvement.

10% Essential Nitrogen

Substantial Nitrogen Content - Nitrogen is the essential nutrient required for robust plant growth.

5% Citric Acid Enrichment

Enhancing Soil and Plant Health - Our solution is enriched with 5% citric acid, offering additional benefits such as enhanced nutrient absorption and overall vitality.

Directions for Use

Mixing Solution

Combine 1 gallon of Salt Fighter with 5± gallons of water per acre.

Example: For 20 acres, use 100 gallons of water in a water circulation mixer, adding four 5-gallon containers of Salt Fighter.

Mixing Process

Utilize any mixing method available.

Recommended: Water circulation mixer or fertilizer mixer.


After mixing, connect the solution to the irrigation system with a timer.

Ensure complete coverage of the target area.


It is advised to treat the area twice a year for optimal results.

Note: Some areas may require only one treatment per year, depending on soil structure and salinity levels in the irrigation water.

Best Practices

Mixing Method

Use any available mixing method.

Recommended: Water circulation mixer or fertilizer mixer.


Recommendations are based on average conditions; individual use may vary.

Adjustments may be needed based on the physical characteristics of the soil and local climate conditions.

Additional Tips

Optimal Mixing Tools

Consider using a water circulation mixer for thorough blending.

A fertilizer mixer can also provide effective results.


Connect the solution with a timer to ensure consistent application.

Frequency Adjustment

Depending on soil and water conditions, adjust the treatment frequency as needed.


Regularly assess soil structure and salinity levels to tailor treatment frequency.

Note: Always consider local conditions and adapt the application process accordingly. These guidelines are provided to enhance the effectiveness of Salt Fighter, but individual results may vary.

Master Humic Potassium

Our product, Master Humic Potassium Soluble Humic Acid And Organics, represents a cutting-edge advancement in soil conditioning. Unlike traditional humic acid products, which are often insoluble at acidic pH levels and require extensive mixing for 24-48 hours to dissolve, our specially engineered humic acid is instantly soluble in water. This remarkable feature not only simplifies the mixing process but also makes the application of our humic acid a breeze.

Directions for Use

Mixing Solution

Combine 5.5 lbs of Master Humic Potassium with 40± gallons of water per use for a thorough dissolved solution.

Mixing Process

Connect the mixer with the irrigation system equipped with a timer to cover the target area.

Example: To treat 10 acres, mix 55 lbs (1 bag of MHP) with 400 gallons of water. Inject or connect the solution to your water irrigation system (drip or flood), ensuring even coverage with the help of a timer.


It is recommended to treat the area twice a year.

Note: Some areas may only require one treatment per year, depending on the pH level and water characteristics.

Best Practices

Additional Tips

Optimal Mixing Tools

Use any available mixing method.

Recommended: Water circulation mixer or a power fertilizer mixer.

Mixing Technique

Gradually empty the material from the bag, avoiding pouring all at once.

Important: Pouring all at once may result in a ball-like formation, making it challenging to dissolve uniformly.

Dilution Ratio

When using one bag of Master Humic Potassium (55 lbs), mix it with 400 gallons of water for best results.

Mixing Efficiency

Utilize a water circulation mixer or a power fertilizer mixer for efficient and thorough blending.

Application Timing

Ensure the solution reaches all acres by using a timer on the irrigation system.

pH Level Consideration

Adjust treatment frequency based on the pH level of the soil and the characteristics of the water used.

Note: Always consider local conditions and adapt the application process accordingly. These guidelines are provided to enhance the effectiveness of Master Humic Potassium, but individual results may vary.

80's Special Turbo

80's Special Turbo is a revolutionary liquid soil enhancer meticulously designed by Global Frontier Inc. to rejuvenate soil fertility and maximize agricultural yields while promoting sustainability. This innovative soil treatment is specially formulated to enhance soil health and plant growth, ultimately reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and conserving water resources.

Key Features and Benefits

Enhanced Soil Fertility

80's Special Turbo is a powerful liquid formula that effectively revitalizes soil, making it more fertile and nutrient-rich. It promotes healthier root development and optimal conditions for plant growth.

Increased Yields

By improving soil quality, this soil enhancer can significantly increase crop yields. Farmers can expect higher productivity and better-quality produce.

Water Conservation

Treated soil requires less water for irrigation, helping to conserve this precious resource. It contributes to sustainable farming practices and reduced environmental impact.

Chemical Fertilizer Reduction

With the improved nutrient profile of the soil, there is a reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers, making farming more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Chemical Composition

Total Nitrogen (N): 0.0%

The product does not contain any nitrogen, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance soil fertility without introducing additional nitrogen.

Available Phosphate (P2O5): 0.0%

There is no phosphate (P2O5) in the composition, which is often found in traditional fertilizers. This distinguishes the product as a phosphate-free soil enhancer.

Soluble Potash (K20): 2.5%

80's Special Turbo does contain a 2.5% concentration of soluble potash (K20). Potassium is a crucial nutrient for plants, supporting overall plant health, root development, and stress resistance.

Microbial Content

The product is enriched with beneficial microbes, each playing a unique role in promoting soil and plant health:

Pseudomonas Flourescens (7.5 x 10^6 CFU/ml)

Known for its plant growth-promoting properties and pathogen suppression abilities, Pseudomonas Flourescens contributes to a healthier soil environment.

Lactobacillus Plantarum (8.5 x 10^6 CFU/ml)

Lactobacillus Plantarum enhances soil structure, improves nutrient availability, and fosters a balanced soil microbial community.

Lactobacillen Pentosus (9.5 x 10^5 CFU/ml)

This microbe further contributes to soil health by aiding in the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient release.

This unique combination of nutrient content and beneficial microbes makes this product a sustainable choice for soil enhancement. It offers an alternative approach to traditional fertilizers, promoting soil health, plant growth, and environmental sustainability.

Soil Salinity

Salinity exerts additional stress on plant roots, compelling them to intensify their water uptake efforts. This phenomenon renders salinization akin to drought conditions, as the limited water absorption capacity of plants results in a scarcity of moisture available for root uptake. Consequently, salinity emerges as a significant impediment to successful cropping, leading to soil degradation as noted by the USDA. Alarming evidence from Environmental Health News highlights the severity of this issue in central California's counties, such as the Westlands Water District, where a staggering 88,000 acres of land have been retired from agricultural use due to soil salinity rendering it unsuitable for food production.

Results After Treatment

Diagram Process for land Reclamation

Salt Fighter Vs Gypsum

Unlock the Potential of Microbial Fertilization

At Bugarri Services Group, we believe in sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. When it comes to crop cultivation, we're excited to share the incredible benefits of microbial fertilization compared to traditional chemical fumigation.

The Downside of Chemical Fumigation

Utilization of chemical fumigation methods, once prevalent in agricultural practices for a variety of crops, brings forth several disadvantages:

Soil Degradation

Chemical fumigation can harm the structure and overall health of your soil over time, making it less fertile and resilient. This degradation affects the long-term productivity of the soil for all crops and can lead to decreased yields and increased costs for soil restoration.

Environmental Impact

These chemicals can leach into groundwater, affecting local ecosystems and posing a threat to beneficial insects and wildlife. The environmental consequences of chemical fumigation extend beyond the specific crops being grown and impact the overall ecological balance in the area.

Short-Term Gains

Chemical fumigation may provide immediate pest control, but it doesn't address the long-term health of your soil and can result in recurring issues for all crops. This short-term approach can lead to ongoing challenges, impacting the sustainability and productivity of the land for various crops.

Embracing Microbial Fertilization

Our solution to these problems is microbial fertilization. This innovative and sustainable approach nurtures the soil ecosystem, fostering long-term soil health and, ultimately, more robust crop growth. Here's how it works:

Soil Microbes as Allies:

Microbial fertilization employs a community of beneficial microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, to create a balanced and harmonious soil environment. These microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, promoting nutrient uptake and enhancing the overall soil structure. By fostering a diverse microbial ecosystem, we enable a thriving, mutually beneficial partnership between these microbes and your crops.

Improved Soil Structure:

Through microbial action, soil structure is enhanced in several ways. Microbes produce organic matter that binds soil particles together, increasing soil stability and resistance to erosion. This improved soil structure also prevents compaction, allowing roots to penetrate deeper into the soil, access water and nutrients more effectively, and establish a robust and resilient root system. Additionally, a well-structured soil encourages better aeration and water infiltration, contributing to overall soil health.

Natural Pest Control:

Beneficial microorganisms serve as a natural defense against harmful pests. They can outcompete and even prey on harmful pests, reducing the need for chemical interventions. This biocontrol method minimizes the environmental impact associated with chemical pesticides, promotes ecological balance, and helps maintain a healthier and more sustainable farming environment.

Enhanced Nutrient Cycling:

Microbes play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by breaking down organic matter and converting it into plant-available forms. This process makes essential minerals and elements more readily accessible to your crops. As a result, your plants receive a continuous supply of essential nutrients, promoting healthy growth, higher yields, and increased resilience to environmental stressors. The enhanced nutrient cycling contributes to the long-term health and productivity of your crop fields.

The Bugari Services Group Difference

When you choose Bugarri Services Group for your cultivation, you're making a commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. We're passionate about the well-being of your crops and the environment, and our microbial fertilization approach aligns with those values.

By opting for microbial fertilization over chemical fumigation, you're not only investing in the longevity and health of your soil but also contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Soil pH

Soil pH, a fundamental measure of soil acidity or alkalinity, serves as a pivotal indicator of soil vitality. Its impact reverberates through crop yields, crop suitability, the availability of essential plant nutrients, and the activity of soil microorganisms, all of which play a vital role in shaping crucial soil processes, as highlighted by USDA Guides for Educators. With our Master Humic Potassium, you can trust us to effectively manage your soil's pH, ensuring an optimal environment for your crops.

Salinity Soil Test

Before undergoing our Salt Fighter treatment, soil samples were collected from three trees located in a high salt area at depths of 1-6 inches, 6-12 inches, and 12-18 inches. The initial findings are represented by the blue bars. Just two weeks following the application of our treatment, represented by the orange bars, significant improvements were observed. Notably, the top 6 inches of soil, where the salinity had the most pronounced impact, witnessed an impressive four-fold reduction in salt levels.

Soil pH Test

These statistics provide a glimpse into the transformative impact of Master Humic Potassium, marking its pioneering use in the United States within a sprawling 160-acre lemon field nestled in Yuma, Arizona. This field, equipped with 16 windmills and irrigated by a precision drip-irrigation system sourced from wells, serves as a remarkable case study. Our comprehensive analysis involved the collection of four soil samples from the vicinity of each windmill, meticulously gathered 40 days after the treatment.

The accompanying bar-graph focuses on Windmill-1, illustrating the before-and-after pH levels of the soil. The blue bars represent the initial pH levels, which were measured before the Master Humic treatment, while the grey bars signify the pH levels following the application of our transformative treatment.

Impacts on Vegetable Growth and Nutritional Uptake

Salts exert a profound influence on the growth of plants by elevating soil osmotic pressure and disrupting crucial plant nutrient processes. The elevated salt concentration within the soil solution diminishes plants' capacity to access water, leading to what is commonly known as the osmotic or water-deficit effect of salinity. This effect occurs when the concentration of salts in the soil solution is higher than that within plant roots, causing water to move out of plant cells rather than into them. As a result, plants face increased difficulty in absorbing the water they require for vital processes like photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and transpiration. This water stress can lead to a range of detrimental effects on plant health and crop yields. Fortunately, our products are designed to address these challenges, helping to restore optimal soil conditions and alleviate the negative impacts of soil salinity on plant growth and nutrient acquisition.


The recent historic surge in hay prices has ignited a strong motivation among alfalfa producers to optimize their forage production on every inch of alfalfa acreage at their disposal. Leveraging our exceptional products, we have the potential to resurrect hundreds of thousands of acres of hay production, heralding a transformative shift for the farming community. This endeavor promises a ripple of positive impacts that will significantly benefit farmers. Fields adopting Universal Agriculture's products can anticipate an astounding up to 70% surge in production. Furthermore, the enhanced quality of the hay, a pivotal aspect influenced by our solutions, will undoubtedly bolster the selling price for farmers, amplifying their profitability and success.


Salt poses a considerable threat to vineyards, as it disrupts the tissue concentration of vital micronutrients, particularly chloride. Consequently, many farmers have endured substantial losses, with some reporting up to a staggering 50% reduction in their harvest due to salt contamination originating from irrigation or the soil. The visual evidence presented in the image above vividly illustrates the remarkable transformation brought about by salt treatment, with the left side of the field showcasing the positive impact following our intervention.


Over the course of two and a half years, this field faced substantial challenges arising from persistently high salinity and elevated pH levels. These adverse conditions placed considerable stress on the soil and vegetation, impacting its overall health and productivity. However, through the application of our innovative products and solutions, this field was able to thrive once again. Our specialized treatments effectively mitigated soil salinity, balanced pH levels, and revitalized the soil structure, ultimately providing the ideal conditions for robust plant growth. As a result, the field experienced a remarkable transformation, showcasing how our products can rejuvenate and optimize agricultural landscapes.



Results II

Here's another captivating glimpse into the remarkable outcomes achieved through Universal Agriculture's innovative products. In Yuma, Arizona, we embarked on a rigorous test featuring two adjacent fields that mirrored each other in every aspect – both received flood irrigation, were cultivated with the same crop variety, and were under the same ownership. The story unfolded with the 'control' field, left unaltered, and the 'treated' field, which underwent just one year of cultivation and received only two applications of our transformative solutions. A striking contrast in both size and shape became evident between the two fields, clearly visible upon comparison. To underscore this impressive transformation, we positioned a 10-foot stake on the right side of both images, underscoring the tangible impact of our solutions on crop growth and overall productivity in this compelling test scenario.

Results III

Here's another compelling testament to the effectiveness of our innovative solution. In this successful test conducted in a Yuma, Arizona lemon grove during 2018-2019, our product achieved impressive results. It facilitated the release and leaching of sodium, bromine, chlorine, and sulfur, while simultaneously enhancing Cation Exchange Capacity and precisely adjusting pH levels. The visual evidence in the result pictures from the lemon grove field speaks volumes about the transformative impact of our solution on crop growth and overall soil health.




Results IV

The visual evidence and results from Buckeye, Arizona, tell a compelling story of success. After just two treatments using our Salt Fighter, the sodium (Na) concentration plummeted from 7130 ppm to a remarkable 943 ppm in a mere 10 days. These transformative outcomes speak volumes about the effectiveness of our solution, and the accompanying pictures vividly illustrate the significant positive changes achieved.


We're excited to connect with you! If you have any questions, ideas, or simply want to say hello, don't hesitate to reach out. Our friendly team at Bugarri Services Group is just a message or a call away. We love hearing from you and are here to assist in any way we can. Feel free to get in touch, and let's start a conversation!